rogz cat collars
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collars on planet earth
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the worlds coolest cat collars
The rogz range
ReflectoCat is made from 100% polyester webbing with a reflective print. Break away safety buckle, variable load safeloc and made from reflective materials.
AlleyCat is the original Rogz cat collar made from 100% nylon webbing with reflective tape. Break away safety buckle, variable load safeloc and made from reflective materials.
NightCat is made from reflective polyurethane on 100% polyester webbing. Break away safety buckle, variable load safeloc and made from reflective materials.
GlowCat is made from reflective and glow PU on 100% polyester webbing. Break away safety buckle, Variable load safeloc and made from reflective and glow in the dark materials.